Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park - map and other informations


Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park is a historical and recreational park located in Church Creek, Maryland. The park was established in 2007 to honor the life and legacy of Harriet Tubman, a former slave who became a prominent abolitionist and leader of the Underground Railroad.


The park is situated on the eastern shore of Maryland, where Harriet Tubman was born and spent her early years as a slave. It encompasses over 17 acres of land that includes the site of the former Brodess Farm, where Tubman lived and worked as a young girl.


Visitors to Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park can explore various attractions that offer insight into Tubman's life and the Underground Railroad. The park features an interpretive center with exhibits detailing Tubman's journey from slavery to freedom, as well as her efforts to help others escape through the Underground Railroad.

One of the main highlights of the park is the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway, a scenic driving route that follows Tubman's footsteps through landscapes she would have encountered during her escapes. Along the byway, visitors can stop at various historic sites and markers that provide additional information about Tubman's life and the Underground Railroad.

In addition to its historical significance, Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park also offers recreational opportunities for visitors. The park has several hiking trails that wind through forests and wetlands, providing opportunities for birdwatching and wildlife viewing. There are also picnic areas where visitors can relax and enjoy a meal surrounded by nature.

Visitor Information

The park is open year-round from sunrise to sunset. Admission is free, but donations are welcome to support ongoing preservation efforts. Guided tours are available for those who want a more in-depth experience and can be arranged in advance.

There is ample parking available at the park, including designated spaces for RVs and buses. Restrooms and picnic facilities are also available for visitor use.

For those interested in staying overnight, there are nearby campgrounds and lodging options within a short drive of the park.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park

Is there an admission fee for Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park?

No, admission to Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park is free. However, donations are welcome to support ongoing preservation efforts.

What can I see at Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park?

At the park, visitors can explore the interpretive center with exhibits about Harriet Tubman's life and the Underground Railroad. There is also a scenic driving route called the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway that follows Tubman's footsteps. The park has hiking trails, picnic areas, and opportunities for birdwatching and wildlife viewing.

Are guided tours available at Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park?

Yes, guided tours are available at Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park. These tours provide a more in-depth experience and can be arranged in advance.

Average weather in Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park

Temp max Temp min Rain Snow
Jan 6 °C 1 °C 69 mm 14 mm
Feb 8 °C 2 °C 81 mm 7 mm
Mar 11 °C 5 °C 79 mm 7 mm
Apr 17 °C 10 °C 84 mm 0 mm
May 22 °C 16 °C 95 mm 0 mm
Jun 26 °C 21 °C 98 mm 0 mm
Jul 29 °C 24 °C 109 mm 0 mm
Aug 28 °C 23 °C 114 mm 0 mm
Sep 25 °C 20 °C 87 mm 0 mm
Oct 20 °C 15 °C 125 mm 0 mm
Nov 13 °C 8 °C 75 mm 0 mm
Dec 9 °C 4 °C 98 mm 3 mm

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