Nahanni National Park Reserve - map, photos and other informations


Nahanni National Park Reserve, established in 1972 and located in the Northwest Territories in Canada, is an impressive 30,000 square kilometers of gorgeous, untouched wilderness and offering breathtaking scenery, untamed rivers, gorges, canyons, and caves. It is a unique and isolated region with a unique geological and cultural heritage. The park is world-renowned for its spectacular scenery and offers unparalleled experiences. It is a place of great beauty and a wide variety of recreational activities.

The rugged landscape of Nahanni National Park Reserve includes the stunning South Nahanni River, the Sahtaneh Range, the Nahanni Karst, and the Mark Creek Plateau. Adventurers can explore the wild and exciting rivers by rafting, canoeing, or kayaking. Hiking is popular too, with a range of trails to suit all levels of experience. The park is also home to spectacular caves, scenic canyons, and a wealth of wildlife. Wildlife can be found throughout the park and includes grizzly bears, caribou, and moose.

Among the must-see attractions in Nahanni National Park Reserve is Virginia Falls. At twice the height of Niagara Falls, this powerful waterfall is a breathtaking sight, with a thundering roar that can be heard from miles away. Other popular attractions include the Náįlįcho (Rabbitkettle) Hotsprings, the impressive ice caverns, and the mystical Mineral Hill.

Nahanni National Park Reserve is also full of history and culture. Ancient pictographs and artifacts can be found throughout the park and offer insight into the First Nations people who once lived in the area. There are also numerous archaeological sites and some portions of the park are still used for traditional hunting and trapping.

Visitors to Nahanni National Park Reserve should take the time to appreciate the pristine beauty of the Canadian wilderness, a place of awe-inspiring natural beauty and unspoiled outdoor adventure.

Photos of Nahanni National Park Reserve

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Nahanni National Park Reserve

What is Nahanni National Park Reserve?

Nahanni National Park Reserve is a protected wilderness area located in the Dehcho region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. The reserve is known for its rugged mountain ranges, waterfalls, and archaeological sites.

What wildlife can be found at Nahanni National Park Reserve?

Wildlife spotted at Nahanni National Park Reserve includes bighorn sheep, Dall's sheep, moose, woodland caribou, beaver, otter, lynx, and grizzly bears.

Do I need a permit to visit Nahanni National Park Reserve?

Yes, you need to obtain a permit before visiting Nahanni National Park Reserve. For day trips, you'll need a day-use permit; for overnight trips, a backcountry camping permit.

What activities can I do at Nahanni National Park Reserve?

Activities at Nahanni National Park Reserve include hiking, rafting, boating, canoeing, wildlife viewing, and exploring cultural sites.

Average weather in Nahanni National Park Reserve

Temp max Temp min Rain Snow
Jan -19 °C -26 °C 0 mm 18 mm
Feb -17 °C -24 °C 0 mm 11 mm
Mar -9 °C -19 °C 0 mm 12 mm
Apr 0 °C -9 °C 4 mm 16 mm
May 10 °C 2 °C 32 mm 11 mm
Jun 16 °C 8 °C 95 mm 1 mm
Jul 18 °C 10 °C 80 mm 0 mm
Aug 16 °C 8 °C 73 mm 1 mm
Sep 10 °C 2 °C 24 mm 7 mm
Oct 0 °C -6 °C 4 mm 18 mm
Nov -14 °C -21 °C 0 mm 19 mm
Dec -21 °C -27 °C 0 mm 11 mm

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