Map of national parks, state parks, and others in New Mexico

New Mexico is a beautiful state known for its deserts, mountains, canyons, and lakes. The state boasts several parks that offer a range of outdoor activities and natural wonders for visitors to explore. National parks and state parks in New Mexico offer a diverse mix of landscapes that allow visitors to experience the state's natural beauty.

National parks in New Mexico such as Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands, and Pecos offer visitors the chance to marvel at the natural beauty of the region. Carlsbad Caverns National Park boasts an underground cave that is home to some of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring rock formations in the world. White Sands National Park is the largest gypsum dune field in the world, with stunning sand dunes that are perfect for hiking, photography and exploring. Pecos National Park preserves the cultural and natural history of the region, with hiking trails that lead to beautiful meadows, forests, and streams.

State parks in New Mexico, including City of Rocks State Park, Cimarron Canyon State Park, and Bottomless Lake State Park, offer visitors the opportunity to hike, camp, and fish amidst spectacular natural beauty. City of Rocks State Park is home to unique rock formations that look like a city of buildings, while Cimarron Canyon State Park offers stunning views of towering canyon walls and the Cimarron River. Bottomless Lake State Park is a perfect destination for swimming, boating, and fishing.

Visitors to New Mexico's national and state parks can experience a wealth of outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, bird watching, fishing, and rock climbing. Several parks also offer picturesque picnic areas and educational facilities for visitors to learn about the natural history and heritage of the region.

If you're planning a trip to New Mexico, make sure to include a visit to one of the state's national parks or state parks on your itinerary. Whether you're exploring the caverns at Carlsbad, hiking the dunes at White Sands, or fishing in the cool waters of Cimarron Canyon, New Mexico's parks offer a wealth of adventures for all ages and interests. Don't miss the chance to explore the natural beauty of New Mexico by visiting its national and state parks.

How many parks in New Mexico you can find on Traveler Map?

  • national historical parks: 3
  • national memorials: 2
  • national monuments: 13
  • national parks: 2
  • national preserve: 1
  • national recreation area: 1
  • state parks: 35